速報APP / 教育 / Network Analysis

Network Analysis





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



Network Analysis(圖1)-速報App

Network analysis notes for electrical and computer engineering students . Network analysis notes is mathematical analysis for complex network related activities. Network analysis is designed for electrical engineering students & professionals. Network analysis is helpful to learn syllabus of subject of engineering colleges & universities. Network analysis contains all basic to advanced fundamentals concepts to explore skills.

Network analysis almost cover important topics chapter wise

Chapter 1. Introduction to circuit elements

1. Introduction to circuit elements

Chapter 2. Network Theorems

Chapter 3. Frequency domain analysis

2. Frequency domain analysis

3. Laplace transform solution of Integro-differential equations

4. Waveform Synthesis

5. Gate and sinusoidal functions

6. Initial & Final Value Theorems

Network Analysis(圖2)-速報App

7. Network Theorems

Chapter 4. Concept of signal spectra

1. Concept of signal spectra

2. Fourier series co-efficient of a periodic waveform

3. Symmetries and Fourier series

4. Trigonometric & Exponential form of Fourier series

Chapter 5. Network function & Two port networks

1. Network Functions

2. Two Port Networks - Z , Y , h , g , ABCD Parameters

3. Transfer functions

4. Hybrid Parameter

Network Analysis(圖3)-速報App

5. Interconnection of two ports networks